JETIBOX is a universal communication terminal which can be used with any JETI products that are marked JETIBOX Compatible. JETIBOX Compatible (JBC) products use powerful software to allow easy setup and reading of data using a simple menu driven display on the JETIBOX terminal.
Now there is a number of JETI model JBC products for use with the JETIBOX, which due to its features and simplicity is gaining a large number of supporters around the world, and this support in turn is creating demand for an even greater range of JETI model JBC products.
JETIBOX operates as a two–way terminal, showing all data stored in the JBC product. With the use of four buttons, the user can browse the menu and set the selected values to take advantage of the full capability of JBC products.
It is currently possible with the use of the JETIBOX to program controllers in the SPIN series; receivers, and all accessories in the DUPLEX system. With the JETIBOX connected to DUPLEX transmitter modules, it is possible to have continuous wireless communication with any JETIBOX compatible device in the model.
The JETIBOX may be used on its own for:
Measuring the pulse width from the receiver – displaying the pulse width in milliseconds along with the receiver voltage
Pulse generation – this feature is useful for initial servo setup in the model, without the need to use transmitters and receivers
Servo cycling – this can be used to check the operation and reliability of servos
Servo speed measurement – the time taken for the servo to move from one position to another.
For more information, please visit this products webpage.